Before even considering importing any type of heavy machinery or Agricultural machinery into Australia, you MUST consider the Quarantine requirements. Australia has one of the strictest cleanliness requirements in the world, and for good reason to protect our country. We can help, by offering machinery washing in most locations.
See below to find out more about heavy machinery shipping to Australia.
80% receive a quote in 30 seconds! More complex jobs will receive a response within 24 hours.
Ports We Ship to in Australia
Taurus Logistics can ship your machinery to all of the main ports across Australia, including Brisbane, Sydney and Fremantle. On arrival we take care of all the Customs and Quarantine requirements for you, taking the hassle out of the equation.
Ports we ship to in Australia:
- Adelaide
- Brisbane
- Fremantle (Perth)
- Melbourne
- Sydney (Port Kembla)

How Long Does It Take to Ship Machinery?
While it’s not possible to list the shipping times for every route Taurus Logistics offer, below are a few of our most popular routes. These are indicative transit times , and does not include all shipping lines, containers, or part container options. Please contact us to discuss container sailing dates, or for roll on roll off please refer to our RORO Sailing Schedule.
- Australia to New Zealand – 10 days Approx.
- New Zealand to Australia – 30 days Approx.
- Europe to Australia – 45 days Approx.
- USA to Australia – 50 days Approx.
- Australia to Europe – 80 days Approx.
- Australia to USA – 40 days Approx.
Is it worth importing heavy machinery to Australia?
In our experience yes! The selection of equipment and pricing of heavy machinery from overseas auctions and market is vast. We work with many of the major machinery auctions, and if this is your first time, we can help put you in touch.
How would I get started?
Just contact us and let us know the make and model of machine you are considering importing, and from which country. We have a database of most machinery specification, so can give you solid ballpark figures for you to calculate the total landed cost. If that looks viable, then we just need to know exactly where the machine is located(i.e. a zip code) and we can price for you from the machinery yard, all the way to you. We include all charges possible, and will detail in the quote any charges which we may need to estimate. If in doubt please call as we are happy to discuss on the phone.
Department of Agriculture - Its so important!
Fail Quarantine
If your machinery is not cleaned to standard, Department of Agriculture has the power to re-export contaminated machinery from Australia at your expense. Here is a guide published by Department of Agriculture to help you get an idea of what’s involved A guide for importing machinery. As part of our service we will inspect and wash machinery that is contaminated to avoid these pitfalls. These washing costs are not included in the quotation unless itemised, as generally only an estimate can be given until we inspect the machine. Our experienced washers have been trained in the Department of Agriculture requirements, to ensure your machinery has minimal delays on arrival.